Bite-size Meditations On John

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What a whirlwind, dear readers. (I just accidentally typed “dead readers,” which could be true given how long it’s been since I blogged.) I’ll spare you the details on what I’ve been doing since 2017, because it’s not really that interesting and I assume you’re not here to be bored!

For those eager people, i.e. figments of my imagination, who just happened to drop by to see if I’ve posted any riveting content, I have good news for you! I’ll be sharing mini devotionals EVERY weekday through the month of August. Just bite-size meditations I jotted down while reading and journaling through the Gospel of John.

One little thought per chapter, that’s it.

Oh! And see how short this post is? That’s what you can expect from the 21 nuggets coming your way. They weren’t meant to be full-size blog posts. (They weren’t MEANT to be blog posts at all.) As you may have noticed, blogging hasn’t been on my mind, and I’m not sure when the next gust of inspiration will happen. So, let’s consider these upcoming posts mere tumbleweeds of content blowing through the ghost town of The Happy Alternative.

I’d also love to hear what stood out to YOU as you read and reflect on this beautiful gospel. That’s the great thing about bite-size — there’s always room for more!

3 comments on “Bite-size Meditations On John

  1. Caroline

    I’m so excited!! I was just thinking about your blog the other day and the impact it has had on me, and then I opened up my email to find that you were going to be posting again! Yay! Looking forward to it 🙂

  2. Yvonne

    I’m so excited about this! Steve told me you were doing this and it made me so happy!! I love your writing & eager to follow along all month 🙂

  3. Stephanie

    Thank you Bryan.
    I am praying for you (and everyone who reads these posts – me included) to grow in knowledge and love of the Lord as you share His Word and what you are learning. I love you.

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