John 1: Behold The Lamb

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“Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (v. 29)

What struck me this time while reading John 1 is the title “Lamb of God.” It’s a phrase I’ve read and sung a thousand times, but today it sprang off the page: Lamb of [belonging to] God.

Unlike the millions of other lambs that came before, which men offered to God, this was God’s very own Lamb, which HE offers to us. Only the Lamb provided by God Himself — who is God Himself — can perfectly atone for our sins.

Jesus is that true and better Lamb.

That’s why John the Baptist cried out, “Behold!” And that’s why, even today, in the midst of our fears and failures, we’re called to do the same.

2 comments on “John 1: Behold The Lamb

  1. Seth Dozier

    Love how you focused on the lamb during your reading. One of my favorite parts on the lamb is in Revelation 5:5-6 where there is no one who can open the scroll but an Elder tells John “Behold, the lion of Judah” yet he sees the lamb that was slain. The mighty power came in the form of a slain lamb. Incredible. The thing I focused on while reading John Chapter 1 was “The Word”. I am not sure I ever understood what that meant. What was a word doing there before the beginning of existence? Looking deeper into it I found that Greek philosophers saw logos (the Word) as the power that puts order into the world and casts out chaos which is what God did “in the beginning”. John is using a cultural idea and revealing that the logos they understand is Jesus, the Messiah!

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