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Why Choose To Be Single?

Why Choose To Be Single?

In the past month or so, several people have asked why I made the decision to remain single in respo[...]
Why Can't You Just Be Gay?

Why Can't You Just Be Gay?

If anyone has a reason to search Scripture for an “out,” a way to be in a gay relationship and yet r[...]
Why Repress Your Sexuality?

Why Repress Your Sexuality?

I’m not sure I could be any more open about my sexuality (notice I’m saying this on the internet). B[...]
When Did You Realize You Were Gay?

When Did You Realize You Were Gay?

If you dig through my memory box, you’ll find a piece of paper decorated with hearts and a stick fig[...]
Should I Come Out?

Should I Come Out?

If you’re asking whether you should tell someone that you experience same-sex attraction, then the a[...]
You're Single? You Must Be So Lonely

You're Single? You Must Be So Lonely

OK, I admit this doesn’t usually come in the form of a question. I hear it from reliable sources: “O[...]
Can God Change Our Sexuality?

Can God Change Our Sexuality?

Yes, I believe he can. But I don’t think he often does — at least, not in the way many people think [...]
Can You Be Gay And Christian?

Can You Be Gay And Christian?

I don’t think there’s any debate about whether or not a Christian can experience same-sex attraction[...]